Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It Gets Better...

I'M NOT GAY...but I know gay people...

These gay people that I know...are some of the most amazing friends a person could have and I am truly blessed that they are a part of my life. So to imagine them being harassed or tormented in anyway, makes me sick to my stomach.

I'M A HUMAN BEING...and I am a mother of 4 fabulous children. It's my mission in life to make sure they grow up happy, healthy, confident, fierce, fair, honest, kind, tolerant and giving. It is out of my hands whether they grow up straight or gay.

I'M A SURVIVOR...14 years ago, on a snowy, cold February day, my beautiful older brother MARC BRUN committed suicide. He was 26 years old and he was my joy.

Marc wasn't gay, but he was tormented by something non of us understood, much like these young adults who take their own lives so tragically. Imagine having to live in secret, misunderstood. Feeling trapped because society says it's not a crime to call people names like Fag, Queer, Fruit or Sissy. Afraid to just your life.

As HUMAN BEINGS we are supposed to be the top of the intelligence food chain. So why are we the only species that purposely berate, ridicule & diminish one anther's existence. We are HUMANS yet we treat each other worse than animals.

I don't "know" gay, I will never understand what it's like a be so afraid and carry that kind of secret around.

But I "know" loss .........

Being kind can save lives.

- It Get's Better -



Jen said...

Beautiful post...

Anonymous said...

Well said Dee.....

Lisa Thornbury said...

A little kindness and tolerance goes a long way. I don't know the kind of loss you and your family has experienced, but I know "different." It breaks my heart to imagine the teasing that my special child may endure as she gets older. Thank you for raising loving, understanding, tolerant children who will appreciate and accept "different". xo